Wind and Waterfalls
20 14'N x 155 46'W
We awoke this morning to one of the most stunning views imaginable.
The Hamakua coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. Towering cliffs,
breathtaking valleys and no less that 18 waterfalls cascading into
the ocean. It was a site to behold.
The winds have freshen more than a little and we found ourselves
working in 30-35 knot winds and quickly building seas. Swells were
running at 4-6 feet by the time we had our first team of divers in
the water and those on the boat were in envy of those in the more
tranquil depths. We started at a set of three small islets which
were touted as a premier dive site on northeast hawaii. Unless you
really like sand and boulders, I am afraid you are in for a little
disappointment. Further up the coast the underwater scenery improved
and with it the resident fish populations. Without a doubt, the Big
Island has risen to the top in terms of number and diversity of large
fishes. And with only one day of surveys. Tomorrow we head to South
Point, appropriately at the southern end of the island. Don't the
the Florida Keys fool you. This is the southernmost point in the
U.S. Conditions look to be stiff with increasing winds and seas.
Hopefully we will be able to find a good lee in which to work.
Stay tuned for the full report...
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